Pedestrian Planning

Due to the ongoing winter storm, City facilities, including City Hall and all Parks, Recreation and Culture facilities, will be closed on Tuesday, Feb. 18. This is due to the forecasted winter storm resulting in dangerous travel conditions.

Read the news release for full details >>

Regional Pedestrian Plan

The Regional Pedestrian Plan, will serve as a guide to improve the pedestrian environment throughout Eudora, Baldwin City and Lecompton. The plan was developed through a public participation process that included feedback from residents of Eudora, Baldwin City, and Lecompton in 2021-2022, but due to staff turnover was not completed until 2024.  The plan recommends policy, program, and infrastructure changes to improve upon the vision of a safe, convenient, and attractive pedestrian environment that was established in the adopted 2016 Regional Pedestrian Plan.

Regional Pedestrian Plan for Eudora, Baldwin City & Lecompton (MPO Policy Board approved April 18, 2024)

Lawrence Pedestrian Plan

Approved 6/21/22 Resolution 7432

Lawrence Pedestrian Plan (MPO Policy Board approved May 12, 2022)

Improving Walkability One Step at a Time; The Lawrence Pedestrian Plan was updated to establish a renewed vision for walkability and to set recommended action steps for the next five years.

The pedestrian plan is used to prioritize resources and develop strategies to improve walkability. Since the last plan was completed in 2016, the City has implemented several projects and programs, including:

  • The installation of sidewalk to fill gaps, particularly along Safe Routes to School Routes.
  • The installation of Lawrence Loop segments, including obtaining funding from the Kansas Department of Transportation to construct several new portions in the next two years.
  • The installation of street crossing improvements.
  • The enforcement of sidewalk hazards.
  • Reducing neighborhood traffic speeds to 25 miles per hour.
  • Developing and implementing the Safe Routes to School plan.
  • Updating pedestrian signal times at 47% of signalized intersections in Lawrence.

The Lawrence Pedestrian Plan Steering Committee established by the MPO Policy Board guided the scope of work and development of the Lawrence Pedestrian Plan. Steering Committee Agenda and Minutes.
This existing conditions/survey handout was developed for the meetings and tabling events occurring on October and November.
Existing Conditions Memo – 10/7/21
Existing Conditions Memo – Revised 11/16/21
Review and comment on the Lawrence Pedestrian Plan Draft  (Public Comment February 28 – March 30th)

Safe Routes to School

The Lawrence Safe Routes to School (SRTS) initiative began in 2014 as a collaborative effort between the Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department, Lawrence Public Schools, the City of Lawrence, and the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). This partnership provided the framework for developing a holistic SRTS program, which focuses on encouragement, education, enforcement, evaluation, and engineering solutions to improve walking & bicycling to school.

Lawrence SRTS Plan
* Amendment 2 for the Lawrence Safe Routes to School Plan, MPO Policy Board approved on June 15, 2023.

Eudora SRTS Plan
* MPO Policy Board approved on November 19, 2020.

Baldwin City SRTS Plan
* MPO Policy Board approved on November 19, 2020.

Lawrence Loop

The Lawrence Loop is a project that, when completed, will provide a continuous 22-mile trail around the city limits.

A study analyzed alternative alignments to determine the feasibility and public preference for two incomplete sections of bikeway between the north end of Burroughs Creek Rail Trail along 11th Street to the Shared Use Path in Burcham Park and the west side of the Sandra Shaw Trail to the Peterson Road Shared Use Path.

Visit the Lawrence Loop webpage at

Pedestrian Resources

Walk Friendly Community

The City of Lawrence received a “Silver” designation from the national Walk Friendly Communities program. Scores range from Bronze (lowest), Silver, Gold, to Platinum (highest).

The Walk Friendly designation is based on community efforts to expand opportunities for walking and to improve pedestrian safety across a wide range of programs and activities, from planning and design to outreach and law enforcement.

Report Card – Released April 25, 2017
Walk Friendly Communities Webpage

Pedestrian Safety 

Take a moment to refresh on the Rules of the Road and courtesy for people who walk/wheel, bicycle riders and drivers.